Pencil Portraits
pencil portrait,  pencil art, graphite, bird, wren portrait
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Pencil Portraits

Pencil portraits are so soft compared to other mediums. You can have a portait of your favorite photo done in colored pencil or graphite pencil.

Your photo

Pencil portraits are easy to create from your photos. Do you have a photo you would like for me to transform into a work of art? If you are the type of person that just prefers pencil, I can create a pencil portrait for you whether it be landscape, birds or animals. I would love to create your next heirloom!

pencil portrait, dog portrait, dog painting, dog art, colored pencil,animal artist
Colored Pencil
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cat portrait, pencil portrait, graphite drawing
"Murphy & Cuff
birds portrait, pencil portrait, graphite drawing
"Birds In Winter"
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